We buy, sell, and trade used racquets and gear! Bring your old gear in for an instant appraisal. Frame values vary based on rarity and condition, but we always strive to give top dollar for good used gear! If you are looking for something rare or unusual, please call and inquire as we have hundreds of old frames in storage.
Why buy a used racquet from Wrigley’s Tennis? We inspect, clean, RA test and string all of our used racquets. Why do we string them? Because used frames can have internal cracks, grommet issues and other unforeseen issues. By stringing the frame, we know that we are sending a frame that holds tension, that is not going to shear string at a bad grommet or be unusable. 95% of the time we also replace the grip – because it’s the right thing to do. We also have all of these frames for sale in our retail store. We strive to maintain our excellent reputation for quality and service. We would not sell a racquet online that we wouldn’t sell to our loyal customers in store.
We do not demo used frames and all purchases are final. We always encourage the use of our demo program of new racquets if you are concerned about how a frame will play. We sell most of our used frames to customers who are in search of a matching frame to one that they already own, replacing a broken frame or just looking for something very affordable for a beginner.